Argumentative Research Paper Writing Guide + Sample Topics

If you are already in higher learning institutes, you must have come across an argumentative research paper. However, if you are planning to study until higher levels, you must prepare to face such papers and other research papers, depending on the field you will specialize.

While some students presume writing an argumentative research paper to be a tricky experience, it all depends on the planning and how prepared a student is. With the right materials and proper timing, any student can write such a research paper easily. However, if you are among the students finding it hard to hack such a paper, this guide will give you the best ideas for an argumentative paper and how to go about everything.

What is an argumentative research paper?

Before we dive deeper into the topic and give sample topics, you should understand first what is an argumentative research paper. When writing an argumentative paper, a student should get a topic, do research to generate content, evaluate the content, and choose a position.

Note: Do not confuse argumentative research and expository research writing. As far as these two research-based papers are almost similar, an argumentative paper is commonly assigned for final projects, and it requires more information than expository research.

Practical tips for writing an argumentative research paper

When tasked to write such a paper, take time to analyze through the following tips to ensure you produce a good paper that matches the tutor’s expectations:

1. Create an argumentative research paper outline

Creating an outline for any research paper is the best hack that works for many. An outline is simply a rough draft of what you want to include in your final paper. When creating an argumentative research paper outline, ensure you include all the relevant information in different sections. Also, don’t forget to include reference sources for easy tracing when you want to confirm something. Also, ensure an outline for argumentative research paper has a clear format to avoid confusion when crafting the final paper.

2. Get an argumentative research paper outline template

A sample template is a perfect representation of what you want to write and produce. Generally, any research paper has three sections; the introduction, the main body, and the conclusion. The slight difference comes in when you have to write a specified research paper, such as an argumentative one. So, you want to clear any doubt you are having by checking templates for writing an argumentative paper.

3. Know how to format argumentative research paper

Another key element that counts in writing argumentative research papers is formatting the right way. Generally, an argumentative paper has the following sections:

  • An Introduction

The intro section must have a hook statement meant to keep the reader hooked to your paper up to the end. This hook can be a question or a quote that will make the reader what to know more.

After the hook, introduce the background info that will enable you to transition to the next step of writing a thesis statement.

Note: The background information doesn’t reveal the focus point. The thesis statement should state the focal point of the entire paper.

  • Main Body

This is where you write the main points concerning the topic and reflect on the thesis. Make paragraphs, with each paragraph having a valid point and supporting evidence; after the supporting evidence, add a concluding statement in each paragraph as a summary of the thesis statement.

  • A conclusion

When concluding ideas for an argumentative paper, remember to restate the thesis the present your final verdict with confidence.

+ Editing

After concluding your argumentative research paper, you want to ensure you submit a clean version of the paper. So, go through the paper, and check grammar mistakes and punctuation marks. If possible, give someone else the mandate to proofread the paper.

4. Write down different argumentative research paper topics

One more tip, get a unique and researchable topic for your argumentative paper. Avoid common and complex topics. The best way to get a perfect topic is by researching, then writing them down and stat filtering one by one until you get a perfect one. Here are examples of argumentative topics you can consider:

  1. What is the source of fake news?
  2. Does equality work for everyone?
  3. Should people own guns?
  4. Is eating dessert a perfect plan before dinner?
  5. Do you think violent video games should be banned?
  6. What is your view on remote and physical learning?
  7. Give your views on relationships and social media
  8. Do you think social media is bad for kids?
  9. Is online university or college degree legit?
  10. Should colleges offer free education?


Have you been struggling with an argumentative research paper? Well, after reading through this guide, I hope you have realized how easy such a paper can be when you stay dedicated.

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